FASTAR – A Next-Generation Hydrolysis Antifouling Paint Using Nanotechnology

Japan, 22 January 2021 – Precise – Predictable – Performance. In January 2021, Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Co., Ltd., a group company of Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. will launch FASTAR, a unique nanodomain structured hydrolysis antifouling paint using nanotechnology. In January 2021, Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Co., Ltd., a group company of Nippon Paint […]
Nippon Paint Marine Registers Spike in Turkish Drydockings Amid Asia Capacity Concerns

Turkey, 22 September 2021 – Nippon Paint Marine has registered a significant spike in Turkish drydockings as operators of small to mid-size tonnage redirect vessels from Asia due to capacity issues and a general tightening of COVID rules. According to the Japanese paint manufacturer, one of the global suppliers of marine coatings, ship repair projects […]
Ninety Months of Hull Protection from Nippon Paint Marine

The operator of a large 72,300 dwt container ship delivered in 2013 found Nippon slow friction LF-Sea hull coating was in excellent, pristine condition after more than 90 months of service. The box ship dry-docked for the first time in May 2021 after operating for seven and a half years. It dry-docked at a shipyard […]
AQUATERRAS Takes Home Green Technology Award

First as a Japanese Corporation, Nippon Paint Marine’s Antifouling Paint AQUATERRAS Wins GREEN4SEA TECHNOLOGY AWARD—Making a Major Contribution to Environmental Protection Through the Provision of World’s First Biocide Free Hull Paint Technology. Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Chairman of the Board, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Masaaki Tanaka) announces that […]
Environment Minister’s Award for Global Warming Prevention Activity

Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Receives Environment Minister’s Award for Global Warming Prevention Activity for Its Low-Friction Bottom Paint TechnologyBottom paint modelled after the body structure of tuna helping to reduce CO2emissions from shipping Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan, President Seiichiro Shirahata; hereinafter “NPMC), a group company of Nippon Paint Holdings Co., […]
Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar TURKEY 2019

Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar TURKEY 2019Nippon Paint Marine Coatings will participate in “Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar Turkey ” conducted by Japan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association(JSMEA). We would like to introduce AQUATERRAS, which is a bio-side free AF that embodies our breakthrough technology, and other patent products. We believe they could meet your […]
Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar HONG KONG 2019

Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar HONG KONG 2019Nippon Paint Marine Coatings will participate in “Ship Machinery & Equipment Seminar Hong Kong” conducted by Japan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association(JSMEA). We would offer one of solutions for ‘various impacts’ yield by SOx regulation and other global environment issues from the view of a paint leading company. […]