Accommodation COATINGS
Inside the ship, low maintenance for the crew.

Accommodation COATINGS
Inside the ship, low maintenance for the crew.
Certified systems protect your crew.
The coatings applied in the ship's accommodation need to be easy to maintain and easy to clean. They look after the steel or whatever substrate they're applied to.

Ease to Use
We supply certified single pack systems that the crew can use easily and economically.

Easy Maintenance
We provide coating system that can reduce workload for maintenance at sea.

Global Supply
All coatings need maintenance at some point. We can provide material for you from our global network.

Colour is important in accommodation spaces. Light colour coating helps reflect light and improve work efficiency. Easy maintenance is also important in these spaces, so we recommend coatings that are easy to apply.
Universal Primer
• High solid
Heat Resistant Primer (Up to 800℃)
A Pure Epoxy Primer
Universal Primer
A Pure Epoxy Primer
High Bult Epoxy Zinc Primer
Heat Resistant Finish (Up to 150℃)
Water Based Epoxy Primer Finish
• Water Borne System
• Single Pack Epoxy
• Excellent A/C Property and Durability
SErvice and Support
See our globally providing services to ensure utmost performance for your ship.